Articles of Incorporation


 Phantom Gallery Chicago Network (PGCN)
The mission of the PGCN is to enhance the visual arts community by fostering artistic development and personal excellence. We aim to promote cultural activities through exhibits, workshops, gallery showcases, art centers, and artists-in-residence projects, encouraging continual growth for artists.

This Corporation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for charitable purposes. The specific purposes for which this Corporation is collected are to provide opportunities for community residents of all ages to experience artistic expressions and demonstrations and to bring people together to share through an exhibition of artists' artwork.

The name and address of the State of Illinois of this Corporation's initial agent for service of process are Alpha M. Bruton (mailing address) and Phantom Gallery Chicago Network Office: 440 E. 47th Street, Room 205, Chicago IL  60653.

This Corporation is organized and operated exclusively for the betterment of the multicultural community through the Arts within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The PGCN may establish and abolish such standing or special committees as it desires from time to time. The period committees are to be active by the owners' appointment. Persons not members of the PGCN may be designated as consultants to committees with the approval of the PGCN owners.

Meetings of the Phantom Gallery Chicago Network:

The PGCN shall hold quarterly business meetings, which shall be held in the third week of the month. The conference business session shall be limited to 90 minutes. Mandatory attendance unless prior acknowledgment of absence has been established.

Honorary Founding Advisory Board 2012
Marianna Buchwald, International Art Group, 6929 N. Lakewood, Chicago IL, 60626 
Debra McLendon, Artist at Large, 6946 S. Jeffery Blvd Chicago IL 60649
Cathy Sorich, Canito's Studio, 10735 S. Prospect, Chicago, IL 60643
Shantelle Pridgeon, Tax Accountant, PO Box 19693, Chicago, IL 60619

The PGCN shall prepare two regional shows to act as fundraisers. In addition, there shall be an annual spring and fall show of all PGCN members' work in progress in their medium. Committees shall be assigned to planning during the offseason.

Offseason   January - April
Section 3: Out of Town Shows: by invitation
Section 4: One-Day Shows: At the discretion of the artist.
Bronzeville Art District Virtual Trolley Tours (June - December)

Section 5: Quorum: Unless otherwise stated in the By-laws, three members present will constitute a quorum. At any time, new members may be recruited by portfolio review.

Annual Retreats will be hosted by advisory board members.

Members who do not actively participate in workshops, art shows, exhibitions, installations, or volunteer hours at designated temporary exhibition sites will be terminated.

PGCN will attend out-of-town art exhibitions as a group by invitation. Hand-carried artworks will only be included in such shows.


The names and addresses of the persons appointed to act as the initial Advisory Board Members of this Corporation are:
Board of Directors 2013 - 2015


  • William G. Hill, William G. Hill Fine Art Gallery, Chicago, 2014-current
  • Laura Weathered, Near North West Arts Council, Chicago IL, 2013- current
Network Collaborating Directors:
  • Dr. Patricia Adelekan, International Educators Hall of Fame, Antioch, CA, 2013-
  • Caryl Henry Alexander, Creative Currency, Clinton MD, 2009-current
  • Alan Emerson Hicks, Emerson Studio, (curator- 2012-2018) Chicago IL
  • Talver Germany, Visual Arts Development Project, Mather California, 2013
  • Jennifer Porras, International Altar Society, Sacramento, California, 2013
  • Lavon N. Pettis, 6912 S. Dorchester, Chicago IL  60637, 2015 
  • Liza Simone, Pop Up Research Station, (co-producer 2012 - current)
  • Shonna McDaniel's, Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum, Sacramento CA 
The composition of Phantom Gallery Chicago Network Advisory Board consists of working artists currently involved with some aspects of the arts, having a social practice, data research, art promotions, collectors, or other involvement based on skills, Interest in promoting art in the community, and a sense of dedication and input.

Selection of Members of the Advisory Board
By committee: applicants who express a desire for membership are expected to have worked with some seriousness and productivity in their field and have curated temporary installation spaces with the PGCN and are required to submit the following:

Termination of Membership:
Section 3: Voting Rights:
Section 4: Terms of Ownership:
These owners are Advisory Board Members, and annual dues are paid at $150.00.
Section 5: Resignation: At will.
Section 6: Vacancy:
The PGCN Advisory Board shall fill any vacancy on the PGCN for the remainder of the fiscal year's unexpired term, January 1- December 31.

Section 1: Representatives:
Section 2: Project Curators shall be elected annually and serve for one year.
Section 3: Removal: Any curator elected or appointed may be removed by a 2/3 vote of all the owners.
Section 4: Vacancies: A vacancy in any appointed position may be filled by the  Advisory Committee

Section 1: Regular Meetings:
Section 3: Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called at the request of the
Section 4: Decisions of the Phantom Gallery Chicago Network will be made by a majority vote of the members present unless otherwise stated in the By-laws.

April 23rd, 2012

The organization's additional purpose is to provide a full range of activities, including workshops, professional development opportunities for curators and administrators, and self-directed residence opportunities for PGCN Curators.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles, the Corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (1) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or (2) by a corporate contribution to with are deductible under Section 170 (c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(C) No substantial part of the activities of this Corporation shall consist of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Corporation shall not participate or intervene in any candidate for public office.

BY-LAWS 1996 (Revision 2011)
The purpose of the organization shall be to.
Curators/Board Directors Meetings are quarterly business meetings with volunteer staff and curators.
Members not attending nor responding to correspondence, ongoing absence, and a general lack of Interest in PGCN will be grounds for termination. Each member shall be entitled to one vote. Proxy voting shall be permitted.

The Phantom Gallery Chicago Network consists of ownership of the project; each owner owns 20% of voting rights as long as they are in good standing. Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the PGCN. The officers shall be Advisory Consultants and appointed officers the committee may deem desirable. All members are representatives of the PGCN; they carry the same authority in decision-making, as stated in the By-Laws when attending functions and meetings, as official representatives of the PGCN.

The property of this Corporation is irrevocably dedicated to the arts for the purpose, and no part of the net income or assets of the organization shall ever inure to the benefit of any Advisory Board Member, officer, or member thereof or to the use of any private person. On the dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, its assets remaining after payment of, or provision for payment of, all debts and liabilities of this Corporation shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation, or Corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for art purposes, and which has established its tax-exempt status under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Advisory Board for the unexpired time or portion of the term.
Section 1: Standing and Special Committees:
Each member of a standing committee shall be a member of the PGCN.

Section 2: Working Meetings:
The PGCN shall hold working meetings periodically throughout the month to discuss and follow up on planning, projects, exhibits, workshops, and studio hours. Each member is required to work a minimum of four hours monthly.

Section 1: Active Shows:
Active shows must be coordinated yearly of all curators' artworks to be exhibited for this group exhibition. This shall be called an "Active Show" of the PGCN. During this time, artists may have time to re-group and produce new works to be submitted for the following year. All artists must submit up to ten (10) jpegs of current works in progress in all mediums. The committee (jury) shall be assigned the offseason to plan the "Active Show."

There will be no one-day shows allowed by the PGCN; individual artists, acting as independent agents, desiring to exhibit shall do so at their own discernment and proceed as such will go to the individual artist unless he/she has used materials from PGCN and in such case will give to the project 40% of proceeds earned for the function.

These articles may be amended, rescinded, or canceled by a 2/3 vote of active members at any regular meeting. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing two weeks before action. By-laws may not conflict with Federal and State guidelines governed by the Alliance of the Artists. Proposed amendments must also be submitted in the copied form to all members for review before monthly business meetings.


The Phantom Gallery Chicago and its network of artists and art organizations believe cultural equity embodies the values, policies, and practices that ensure that all people—including but not limited to those who have been historically underrepresented based on race/ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geography, citizenship status, or religion—are represented in the development of arts policy; the support of artists; the nurturing of accessible, thriving venues for expression; and the fair distribution of programmatic, financial, and informational resources.

Phantom Gallery Chicago promotes the betterment of the visual arts community through cultural activities in exhibits, workshops, gallery exhibitions, art centers, and artist-in-residence projects and promotes personal achievement in striving for excellence and continual growth as an artist. As a BIPOC-led group, our curatorial practice works with mainstream artists and alongside diverse artists from varied backgrounds and practitioners. The specific purposes for which this Corporation is collected are to provide opportunities for community residents of all ages to experience artistic expressions and demonstrations and to bring people together to share through an exhibition of artists' artwork.

Phantom Gallery Chicago Network- Open Studio

Please include the following with your application:
  1. Resume, including educational background and exhibit experience.
  2. Artist Statement.
  3. JPEG, or an online portfolio website, Facebook, or up to 20 JPEGS, should be labeled with your name, the dimension of the work, and the medium.
Phantom Gallery Chicago Network produces 5-7 exhibits promoted, curated, and staffed by resident artists. Exhibitions are funded through donations, entry fees, and sometimes grants.
While the conditions in this AIR application do not mandate this, we firmly believe that each resident artist has a responsibility to be involved and committed to the operations of the Phantom Gallery Chicago Network. Your involvement will directly enhance your artistic opportunities at Phantom Gallery Chicago Network.

Complete the application and submit a portfolio of recent work, artistic resume, jpeg, recent reviews, letters of recommendation, and website URL.

Phantom Gallery CHI

Reimagining Black Identity, Strength, and Vulnerability Music Performance

"Art is Business"  February 21, 2025    This art exhibit explores the multifaceted healing nature of Black identity, shedding ligh...