Jamin in Logan Square-PopUp Culture Coach

"Art is Business"

Patron's jamming at the market -

Whether one word or an intricate design, your flag will blow and be witnessed by many.
We were asked to return the flags by October 10th. They will be part of a Chicago Artists Month installation at the Chicago Green Technology Center in East Garfield Park.

For information on where to mail/drop completed flags, a.is.for.evil@gmail.com, www.andreajablonski.blogspot.com

One night I was at the Farmers Night Market in Logan Square. Susan Fox gave me one of the vertical fabrics to create my own prayer flag. I was asked to write, draw, paint, sew, dye, and collage a message about goodwill and community. I was allowed to involve my family and friends – there was no limit to the number of flags I was to paint.

   A prayer flag is a colorful rectangular found along mountain ridges in the Himalayas.
Darchor  (vertical) prayer flags promote peace, compassion, strength, and wisdom. The flags do not carry prayers up to the gods, a common misconception, but spread these messages on the wind to the world. Darchor is raised by communities and is often found along walkways or paths as a colorful reminder of goodwill.

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"Art is Business" We’re excited to share that USA Today’s 10 Best Readers & Choice Awards has nominated the Bronzeville Arts D...