PopUp Research Station 2014 a Year in Review

2014 a Year In Review on BlogTalkRadio October 2, 2013 - October 22, 2014.Last year we launched a Podcast produced by GYST Radio on BlogTalk, Pop-Up Research Station will develop gradually hosting creative conversations that explore "Temporary Public Art Installations" "Storefront Art Movements" "Creative Place-making" and projects that are the impetus for "Cultural Urban Planning".

The Pop-Up Research Station on BlogTalkRadio will cover snapshots of artist stories, host real discussions on the problems we face, offer a support system, and solicit advice to avoid the potholes moving forward. of Phantom Galleries LA-, and Alpha Bruton-Chief Curator of t Phantom Gallery Chicago Network.

October 2, 2013
Bill Moran of Moran Studios, Greater Chicago Area - ‎Owner Moran Studios - fine art and decorative painting. President/Owner at Moran Studios, past president of Ravenswood Arts Walks (RAW), OpenWall sub-committee project exploring the use of empty storefronts as pop-up galleries in the 47th Ward (North Center, Lincoln, Irving Park, Lawrence, and Ravenswood).

Director, OpenWall ChicagoPatricia Larkin Green  International Chinese Calligraphy Art and Ink Painting Society, and Exhibition Coordinator, North America Branch-East Coast.

 Arts ReSTORE LA: Westwood—a new initiative by the Hammer Museum that aims to re-energize Westwood Village with the creative force of local Angeleno artisans and craftspeople. From November 1 to 24, the Hammer filled several empty storefronts in Westwood, donated by the property owners to this project, with an array of artisan vendors. With its accompanying events and workshops, the Arts ReSTORE pop-up village will enliven the neighborhood with a new and vibrant retail experience. 

Hosted by Liza Simone, founder of Phantom Galleries LA, Alpha Bruton Chief Curator Phantom Gallery Chicago Network  PopUpResearchStation@gmail.com,  PopUpResearchStation.com
Phantom Galleries LA Radio Interview Chicago Artists during CAM

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

PopUp Station Research Station- CAM- Lisa McDonald 
Lisa McDonald, President, and founder of Research Explorers, has over twenty-five years of research, marketing, and strategic planning experience. She is a member and chair of the membership committee.

Diaspora Rhythms was founded in 2003. The organization hosts public and private (members-only) events, including home tours, exhibitions, and other opportunities to build knowledge about cultural value. Currently a regional organization.

Alpha Bruton and Liza Simone on BlogTalkRadio, kicking off the beginning of their partnership to produce PopUp Research Station.

Getting Your Sh*t Together

GYST Radio is a resource for all information on the business of art, hybrid careers, and other DIY strategies for a successful career in the arts. We believe that artists should define their own careers on their ownread more

Phantom Gallery CHI

Sacramento History Museum Offers Two Exciting Ways to Celebrate Black History

"Art is Business"  Month Traci Rockefeller Cusack 2 Min Read ,  Museum Location: The Sacramento History Museum 101 I Street Old Sa...