A+ AvG Festival and Wabi House Media Presents

"Art is Business" Renee Baker
For lovers of film, music and art, the CONUNDRUM FILM series has something for every pallette. This is a  creative screening open house where you can grab your plate and watch pertinent and provocative films that tackle the must serious of issues today.

A+AvG Festival and 

Wabi House Media

Saturday, September 16 , 2017

@Phantom Gallery Chicago
436 E. 47th St Chicago
Suite 205

Addressing the black female artist perspective, film composer/new director, Renee Baker, with curators Alpha Bruton and Alan Emerson Hicks, co-curators of Phantom Gallery, presenting a day-long film love-in.

Continuous screenings
All films with new scores recorded by
Chicago Modern Orchestra Project 
Refreshments available

3:15pm – 8:08 pm
*Birth of a Nation 1915 Dir. DW Griffith
*Intolerance Dir. DW Griffith

Civil Twilight
8:08 pm – 8:39 pm
*Within Our Gates Dir. Oscar Micheaux

Nautical Twilight
8:39 pm – 9:18 pm
*Within Our Gates Dir. Oscar Micheaux
*Symbol of the Unconquered Dir .O. Micheaux

Astro. Twilight
9:18 pm – 10:01 pm
*Kandinsky Staircase. Dir. R.Baker

10:01 pm – 11:59 pm
*Altered Consciousness  Dir. R. Baker
*Abandoned.   Dir. R. Baker
*Assorted short films   Dir. R. Baker

Sponsored in part by: 

Chicago South Side Host - Inkind
Holy Angeles Parish Inkind donations

Phantom Gallery CHI

Sacramento History Museum Offers Two Exciting Ways to Celebrate Black History

"Art is Business"  Month Traci Rockefeller Cusack 2 Min Read ,  Museum Location: The Sacramento History Museum 101 I Street Old Sa...