FRESH Young Aspiring Emerging Artist

"Art is Business" Alpha Bruton

Artist- Erik Rashad Clark

Join us at the Phantom Gallery Chicago on Saturday, September 9th, 2017  2pm-6pm

Master Class and  Closing Reception for featured Artist- Erik Rashad Clark
Erica Newell
Naeem Davis
Zion Offord
Zakee Ahmad
JaKwon Black

Lonyai Carter

Lonyai Carter

E-RaShad Clard, and Ladipo.Famodu during the Trolley Tour

E-RaShad Clark's installatoin 
Artist Zakee Ahmad,  sharing illustative works with  RaShad 

Holy Angles Parish member Dennis a host and sponsor the reception

Lonyai Carter

Zakee Ahmad

JaKwon Black

Erica Newell 
Zion Offord

Phantom Gallery CHI

Sacramento History Museum Offers Two Exciting Ways to Celebrate Black History

"Art is Business"  Month Traci Rockefeller Cusack 2 Min Read ,  Museum Location: The Sacramento History Museum 101 I Street Old Sa...