Creative Grounds - Overton Business and Technology Incubator.

"Art is Business" reposted for

What happened to the closed school in your neighborhood?

Anthony Overton Elementary School was closed in 2013. In 2015, the Washington Park Development Group purchased the school and will soon be redeveloped as the Overton Business and Technology Incubator. The school was designed and built by prominent Chicago architects Perkins & Will in 1963; Overton represented a modern and progressive approach to education reform and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2016. 

This summer, Creative Grounds hosted monthly activation days and networking events to bring life into the former Anthony Overton Elementary School – and invited teams to work collaboratively to create design installations as part of 8x3: Art + Architecture
Activation Days @ Anthony Overton
All summer, Chicago creatives gathered at the former Overton Elementary to work on 8x3 to activate classrooms with art, design, and architecture. Architects, designers, artists, and Bronzeville residents have responded to 8x3's prompt with site-specific installations exploring Overton's past, present, and future. Installations will open to the public at Celebrate Anthony Overton Day on Saturday, September 22 – hope to see you there!
    Celebrate Anthony Overton > GoFundMe
    Join us on Saturday, September 22 (4-9pm) for Celebrate Anthony Overton Day!, an evening of food, music, and culture honoring the legacy of Anthony Overton, the first African American conglomerate owner.

    We want this celebration to become an example of how closed Chicago Public Schools can serve as community beacons of public life, art, design, and culture – even in their shuttered state.

    Help us reach our goal!
    Creative Grounds Online Store Now Live
    Creative Grounds Threadless online store now lives selling custom t-shirts of all 43 public schools that closed in 2013. 50% of your purchase supports Creative Grounds programs and activations. 

    Order Now!

    Thank you, Volunteers and Partners!
    Creative Grounds would not be possible without all the enthusiasm and support of all our volunteers and partners – THANK YOU for your time, energy, and resources invested in helping our purpose:

    Building awareness, enabling open dialogues, and sparking collective imagination about the future of social infrastructure in our city.

    Would you like to volunteer with us? Send us a message!

    Celebrate Overton with us on Sept 22nd

    Creative Grounds is an initiative led by BORDERLESS to explore school sites' community and urban role after the largest Public Schools Closure in Chicago's history. 

    One school at the time.

    Learn more about this research and design initiative:
    Send us a message:

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