Times change and so does our art practice.

"Art is Business" reposted for Dail Chambers

Times change and so does our art practice.
Times change and so does our art practice.

This summer has been powerful. As I move deeper into my mobile practice and renew my studio practice, I am still learning. My work is still evolving. The autumn is almost here and I am excited to update and redefine my work.

From Allied Media Conference to Commonbound, the "Sustainable Sisterhood" workshops presented to powerful sisters from across the nation in a conference-style presentation. We reviewed the connection between motherhood, a working friendship and the development and sustaining the practice of Cowry Collective and Yeyo Arts Collective. We began a collaborative campaign "Mothers Perform Miracles Daily." We have a few screens printed, medium sized tote bags for twenty dollars. To purchase, email dailchambers@gmail.com.

The visual art is re-emerging. I am planning a liquidation sale on Tuesday, September 11th at Yeyo Arts Collective. In the past year, my work has expanded to clothing and household accessories, too. The dress in this email is a tip of the iceberg to my fiber arts and fashion design expansion. Yeyo Arts Collective is located at 2907 S. Jefferson Ave STL Mo 63118. Please stop by between 6-9pm.

It is important for me to announce that I am reclaiming Black Lotus Mobile Healing Arts. After some time I am intending to get the mobile portion of my practice up and running in a practical and sustainable way for my family and practice. I currently serve humanity in Saint Louis, Chicago, Memphis, New Orleans, and Pittsburgh. I look forward to transporting my healing supply and providing "pop up" style support to others. You may have heard on social media that there will be a name change. Although this is true, the mission and focus are still the same. 

The planning stages of the Fannie Lou Hamer House are in movement. Named after a well-known organizer from Mississippi, we offer retreat space to professional activists and artists. The Black Skillet, a regular Southern meal fundraiser for black artists in the Saint Louis region supported three artists in our quaint and comfortable space. In partnership with Treasure Shields Redmond, the house will continue to serve folks in unique ways. Expect more updates throughout the fall.

Working with youth has been a strong part of my social art practice for over twelve years. This summer was like no other. Working with Bread and Roses youth summer camp program was in spirit, transformational. I learned so much from the youth and collaborative mentor, Joan Suarez. This fall we are planning a youth-based exhibition, highlighting our project of eight years.

Not only has Bread and Roses been in the Saint Louis area for eight years, so has Yeyo Arts Collective. AS the founding collective member, I can say that I am full of love and gratitude to those who have left their mark on our organization. This summer we launched our collective compilation book and we are accepting orders. Email yeyoarts@gmail.com for more details. We are supporting an artist to go to their homeland or place of ancestry and their story can be followed on the yeyoarts.blogspot.com blog. 

One of the highlights of this summer was working with the Pulitzer Art Museum. We worked with mindfulness and meditation to transform trauma into joy. Sitting with the work of Mona Hatoum was powerful and amazing. The folks who joined in were diverse and unique. Our private workshop with Norman Ross was directed towards Ancient African History as the basis for the necessity of healing modalities in the arts culture.

As I grow into my practice the "social" part of the deeply interwoven "social art practice" that I engage in continues to be an inspiration to my studio practice. This winter as I explore my installations collate ephemera and present new works I feel a sense of optimism about the legacy of artists of African descent. I also feel a special sunkissed from my ancestors who were crafters, cooks, gardeners, sharecroppers and migrant people. Their life story informs so much of the content of the work. 

Thank you for getting to know what is going on in my studio and utopia. I hope to share my artwork on more online platforms and I am glad that you are interested. Have a great autumn.

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