LJA BeanSoup The Social Move Larissa Akinremi Johnson

Larissa Akinremi Johnson:

The Social Move is an initiative founded by Larissa J-Akinremi. She has been a tutor and mentor for over 30 years and is the product of the “ It takes a village to raise a child”.
Artist Statement

The daughter of creative visionary’s activist Bobbie Johnson and Zaid A. Maalikulmulk, 80s club kid and social curator Larissa Johnson-Akinremi (b. Baltimore, MD, 1969) began her career as a jewelry designer in the early 1990s after college and years later as a freelance make-up artist and fashion stylist. In 2000 she became the host, promoter, and nightlife social curator for Deep House Page; Chicago’s premier source for music entertainment and dance culture. Now her focus is on photography and curation. 

She is inspired by nature, people, social interaction, music, and dance culture. She enjoys the surreal, and spiritual realm and some of her work encompass those forms. Larissa’s process includes photography of human form, a play on light, and body movement, which also includes spoken word, animation, video, and performance art. In her spare time and upon request she is also a DJ. Johnson’s first solo exhibition People, Places, and Things took place in 2015 at Tangible Things. Her work was most recently featured at Beats and Treats, a solo exhibition at Chicago’s Bronzeville Room 43.

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