"Sunday Artist Talk": Episode 4 (Featured Artist: Lindsey E. Bates + Kiko Spears

A visual podcast highlighting and celebrating the works of artists from various mediums and their journeys. Hosted by abstract artist, Lois Stone, and presented by "Stone Art Supply", "Sunday Artist Talk" will be posted on select Sundays at noon for your viewing pleasure.
Support your local artist 365!

Featured Guest: Lindsey E. Bates & Kiko Spears
For more information about today's guest artists, please find them and their works on their social media platforms:
@ebcre8ive or ww.lindseyebates.com

#sundayartisttalk​ #podcast​ #loisstone​ #artist​ #visualartist​ #interview​ #stoneartsupply​

Phantom Gallery CHI

Reimagining Black Identity, Strength, and Vulnerability Music Performance

"Art is Business"  February 21, 2025    This art exhibit explores the multifaceted healing nature of Black identity, shedding ligh...