The 'Living...With Sam Graham" enjoyed interview with, Anita Muhammad, South Side Community Art Center, Marcelo Eli of blanc Gallery, and Alpha Bruton of the Phantom Gallery Chicago. It was a great time in the studio while on air. "Living...With Sam Graham" LIVE LifeStyle Radio Show on WIIT 88.9FM Chicago (www.radio.iit.edu or via iTunes). We broadcast LIVE, every Friday from 3pm - 5pm at the A. Sidney Katz Studio on the campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology. At that time, our broadcast was averaging per week a total of 3,800+ listening and audience shares (included local as well as world wide via IIT internet and iTunes and tuneIn).
We are approaching 6,000 internship and audience shares.
The Living...With Sam Graham Show is a music and talk show that features an eclectic mix of music and topics from social justice to fashion to sexuality to education and beyond. Sam Graham and his co-hosts also strive to promote entrepreneurs, small businesses, artists, independent musicians and labels — the works. Their segmented show "The Session" features specific and panel discussions from a male's perspective.
We usually allot at minimum of 10 minute interviews with our Guests. We can also speak in more detail about the process, event announcements, and address other questions you may have. Do not hesitate to reach out to me at 1.800.363.1489 Ext. 101.
On behalf of Turqueya L. Wilson, Bronzeville Chamber of Commerce President, Designer LifeStyles, and Designer LifeStyles Media, we are looking forward to a long-lasting and prosperous relationship.
Samuel Graham, M.Ed, CPLC
Lifestyle Management Consultant
Designer LifeStyles
1706 S. Halsted Street
Chicago, IL 60608