7@7: Black Artists & their Art with Seven [UK], Curators Rose Cannon & Alpha Bruton

Rose Cannon of Rose Cannon Gallery facilitated the discussion. 

7@7: Black Artists & their Art with Seven [UK]; Curators Rose Cannon & Alpha Bruton & Artists Baz@ Cumberbatch; David Niari; David Anthony Geary; Sholo Beverly; William Kwahmena-poh
WATCH ON EXOPOLITICSTV https://youtu.be/BlkwdO07y18

WATCH ON TRUE TUBE.CO: https://newsinsideout.com/2020/07/77-black-artists-their-art-with-seven-uk-curators-rose-cannon-alpha-bruton-artists-baz-cumberbatch-david-niari-david-anthony-geary-sholo-beverly-william-kwahmena-poh/

WATCH LIVE July 25, 2020 STREAMING ON Exopolitics TV: https://youtu.be/C7XEjz9yrTw

Black Artists show their Art:
Black Artists: https://www.evanstonartcenter.org/black-lives-matter
Black Artists: https://www.evanstonartcenter.org/exhibitions
Rose Cannon: Facebook.com/CannonFineArtGallery/
Alpha Bruton: https://alphabrutonartprojects.blogspot.com/
Baz: http://www.bazmauiart.com
Alpha Bruton: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/phantomgallerychicago/2020/07/21/soulwork-a-conversation-with-william-kwamena--poh-part-2​
David Anthony: http://www.Davidanthonyart.com
David Niari: www.davidniari.com

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