Phantom Gallery Presents "Revisionist"

2827 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago IL  October 16th Opening

Curator: Gabriel Patti
Phantom Gallery proudly presents works of Chicago-based artists who want to rewrite history…for the better! Whether derived from myth or history, dreams or memory, fact or fiction, these paintings, drawings and quilts await your “vision” and collection.

Opening: Friday October 16, 5-10pm
Saturday 17th: gallery, open 1-10pm
Sunday 18th: gallery, open 1-8pm

Featured Artists: Alpha Bruton, Melanie Brown, Janina Ciezadlo, Phillip Michael Cotton, Brandon Hill, Chris Pappan, Gabriel Patti, Janet Sampson, Tamara Wasserman, Everett William.

Chicago Artists Month 2.0 Virtual Studios

Phantom Gallery projects are not common only to Chicago but are in various Cities from east to west coast, as well as internationally. Each of these galleries functions exceedingly well in encapsulating their philosophy, promoting projects through a variety of traditionally commercial tools for reaching mass audiences.

Phantom Gallery Chicago attempts to prompt responses from people who might not enter a gallery or museum. Artists/curators are challenged to mirror more commercial methods of distribution that are the acceptable or normalized activities of the internet, blogging, to give its virtual audience a glimpses of possibilities as to what art should be doing-an interdisciplinary process that seeks to connect all parts of our cultural existence.

Each artist as curator stages an art openings in alternative locations, storefront spaces by bringing art events, open houses, and art tours to various venues, we can take a broader view in helping make the art happen.

This Phantom Gallery Chicago project is supported in part by: Logan Square Chamber of Arts, Crown Liquors Owner of storefront.

Phantom Gallery CHI

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