"Art is Business" FRCBP   Report by Daphne Burgess Bowens

The public outreach campaign involves high school students from Luther Burbank High
School, a school within the Sacramento City Unified School District. The project includes a paid
internship program where students will adopt the area around Luther Burbank High School and
develop ideas for improvement. 

This self-directed outreach campaign may consist of options such as performing litter source assessments, conducting business outreach to offer local businesses cigarette and trash receptacles, adopting an area to routinely clean up litter, organizing clean-up events, and beautifying the neighborhood with public art. Students will be led by a paid college student(s) and guided by Keep California Beautiful mentors and local business owners.

The broader community beautification stretches from the Florin Square Shopping Center
(home of the Sojourner Truth African American Museum) along Florin Road and towards Highway
99. The Project will include creative placemaking such as banners, box wraps, murals;
water/sound features; interactive structures; wall poetry; landscaping; and museum signage. The
works of art will provoke thought by providing an educational platform for children, youth, and
families to engage and read the historical content created on the art pieces.

The first Earth Day in 1970 mobilized millions of Americans from all walks of life to birth the modern environmental movement. Since then, Earth Day has evolved into the largest civic event on Earth, activating billions across 192 countries to safeguard our planet and fight for a brighter future.

EARTHDAY.ORG is unwavering in our commitment to end plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of ALL plastics by 2040. Our theme, Planet vs. Plastics, calls to advocate for widespread awareness of the health risks of plastics, rapidly phase out all single-use plastics, urgently push for a strong UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution, and demand an end to fast fashion. Join us as we build a plastic-free planet for generations to come!

Pivoting for Access and Engagement: Leveraging Browser-Based VR in Libraries, Archives, and Museums

"Art is Business"   

SCA Virtual Annual General Meeting 2024 Pivoting: Responding to Changes in the Archives.

Impassioned advocate for African heritage preservation and visionary entrepreneur

Aisha L. Abdul Rahman, MLIS, Ph.D.
Archivist & VR Curator
“Wells must be dug today to quench the thirst of tomorrow.”  |

Pivoting for Access and Engagement: Leveraging Browser-Based VR in Libraries, Archives, and Museums. 

 In the ever-evolving landscape of archival practice, innovative solutions are paramount to enhance access and engagement with historical records and materials. In this enlightening session, I will delve into the transformative potential of browser-based Virtual Reality (VR) as a tool to pivot our approach to archival engagement.

Through a live demonstration of my ongoing project at the Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum, I will showcase the practical application of browser-based VR. This technology can democratize access to archival collections, making them more inclusive and immersive.

In a dynamic and interactive session, I will guide you through the fundamentals of browser-based VR, shedding light on its possibilities and limitations. You'll gain insights into how this innovative technology can revolutionize archival engagement and respond to the changing needs of our field.

Whether you're a seasoned archivist, librarian, or museum professional or simply curious about the future of heritage preservation, this session will offer a unique opportunity to explore browser-based VR's role in archives and how it can be harnessed to foster progress.

Here is the link to the event per your request

SCA AGM 2024 Schedule

April 15-19, 2024

The Society of California Archivists, Inc., exists to support and develop the education of those who collect, care for, and provide access to California's and adjoining areas' documentary heritage and to encourage public interest in and support for archival facilities in public and private institutions.

To this end, the Corporation shall:

  1. act as a vehicle for dissemination of information about archival collections, issues, and methodology to the profession and the public; 
  2. provide a forum for the discussion of matters related to the creation, preservation, and use of historical documents;
  3. develop, offer, and support archival education programs;
  4. cooperate with individuals and other organizations on matters of common concern;
  5. and advocate the identification, collection, preservation, use, and appreciation of historical records and manuscripts.
© Society of California Archivists

Sapphire & Crystals: Freedom’s Muse

"Art is Business" Sapphire & Crystals: Freedom’s Muse reposted Choose Chicago. 

Marva Jolly, My Mama’s Light, ceramic. Photo by Rose Blouin.

Logan Center Exhibitions is pleased to present Freedom’s Muse featuring members from Sapphire & Crystals, a collective of African American women artists in Chicago initially conceived by Marva Pitchford Jolly and Felicia Grant Preston in 1987. This exhibition explores the intersection of art and freedom of expression in celebration of the 36th Anniversary of the collective and the launch of the university’s new Chicago Forum for Free Inquiry and Expression.
“America is composed of all kinds of people, and part of the difficulty in our nation today is that we are not utilizing the abilities and the talents of other brown and black peoples and females that have something to bring to the creativity, the rejuvenation and the revitalization of this country.” – Shirley Chisholm
This year marks Sapphire & Crystals’ 36th anniversary as an active art collective. Our mission is to give voice and opportunity to African American women artists by participating in and increasing our visibility in arts institutions and honoring our history and culture. When our collective was formed in 1987, we declared our freedom from the status quo and demanded a place at the table.

For this exhibition at the University of Chicago’s Logan Center for the Arts, we chose the theme Freedom’s Muse to explore the ideas of freedom, creativity, and self-determination. In mythology, the Muses were nine goddesses who symbolized the arts and sciences. Today, a muse serves as inspiration. We find our Muses in activists, ancestors, and art forms. We find Muses in sacred spaces and special places, and they always encourage freedom of expression and creativity. Shirley Chisholm is certainly one of our Muses. She advocated for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion when she became the first Black woman to be elected to Congress in 1968 and throughout her presidential campaign in 1972. Over 50 years later, our nation continues to aspire to her ideas. These values are also our hope for humanity; thus, we celebrate our Muses.

In this exhibition, Sapphire & Crystal's artists address Freedom’s Muse in painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, quilting, drawing, and mixed media. We hope our individual and collective creative expressions inspire our viewers to muse more deeply about freedom, inclusion, diversity, and respect for all cultures and contributions, to Be and Do as a philosophy of life, to be the change we want to see in the world and Do what is necessary to achieve it.

Many thanks to the artists of Sapphire & Crystals and the Logan Center Staff for their invaluable support. This exhibition makes us proud of our perseverance in living, growing, and creating.

Phantom Gallery CHI

Sacramento’s Sojourner Truth Museum Fundraiser Honors Black Icons

"Art is Business" REPOSTED: OBSERVER Posted in Arts & Culture  by Williamena Kwapo October 9, 2024 Shonna McDaniels, founder ...