"Art is Business"


I am exploring Germany by way of the Euro-rail, my journey started on July 23rd, where I boarded the  train from Frankfurt, to Ramstein. Since 2009 I have visited the Rheinland-Pfalz, Center for Documentation and Exhibition of the History of the US Americans in the Rhinelnad Palatinate, this years exhibition focus is on Mein Ami, 60 ea of U.S. Air Force in Rheinland Pfalz, 1952 to 2012.

African American performers touring Germany 1960's Archie Bell
The installation gave me some ideas on how to present a research project I am working on for the African American Historical and Cultural Museum in Fresno California, and Fresno Public Library Genealogical Society. Several desk are stationed around the museum for visitors to journal, and record their voice to history.

 I also visited the garden dedicated to President John F. Kennedy, before boarding the city bus to Kaiserslautern where I stopped in on an art gallery, to chat with a couple of artists. While working in my studio in the village of Meinabach I finished art I started in 2011, which concludes my series.

On Sunday September 19th I will be making my way to Sype to the studio of Rolf Schuetzez, ATelier ARtefact, to join Marianna, Renee, and Alan for a intensive self directed residency, creating artwork for exhibition in Pankow, and for Chicago Artists Month 2012. I am also commissioned to create four works of art for the Chicago Modern Orchestra Project by Renee Baker,images I sketched during 2011 Create Fest, at the Brown Rice in Chicago.

2011 VSN

Joining the Wanderlust Chicago-Berlin 2012 project for an installation in Pankow,
Aug 23. 7pm at a public library in Wilhelmsruhe * in East Berlin
Aug. 24 - 25 afternoon and evening exhibition and presentations at Flotte Lotte, these events are organized by our artist friend and curator Renate Brummer in Wilhelmsruhe

The Berlin Art Club is aimed to be a "house of art" a home for all artists, visual artists and performance artists, a place for art lovers of all genres.

BAC is planning to have individual exhibitions of renowned artists and galleries from the Art-space of planet earth to come to Berlin. The BAC is the current front of a number of activities concerning the presentation of art and artists.

Extraordinary situations require extraordinary measures!

Berlin Art Club 2012 will happen in September 3 - 11th, 2012. I will be displaying artwork created as part of my Vibrational Sound Narratives, representing the Phantom Gallery Chicago Network's first participation in the Berlin Art Club's annual exhibition featuring 100 international artists.

Dee Alexander, and Nicole Mitchell, AACM Tribute 2007

AACM Tribute to Fletcher Henderson 2007

Smaller work will be on sale in the bac store, and a PowerPoint presentation which will show all 139 pieces which are for sale on


"Art is Business"

An Art Consulting Limited Partnership

Hi, I just launched my Wordpress blog website,, feel free to offer your input.  Is the site easy to navigate? Tell me how it looks design wise. Does the website sell the service? Would you be willing to do business with this consulting partnership? Would you trust them to deliver a product based on its online presence?

At Any Squared in Logan Square 2012
I believe that great designs are in the details. I also believe that design must support functionality, and vice versa. One cannot, and should not be used to overcome the weaknesses of the other. Design is more than just choosing colors, typefaces, shapes, and images. Good design works to present information in such a way as to support the information it presents.
When I design a website, (blog interface) I’m constantly considering how the site will be built and how it will function. This way, you can be sure that both design and usability will be considered along every step of the way.

Alpha Bruton
Artist/Art Consultant


Curator Piotr ask Greg what is your art about? Tell me how you began your quest to be an artist?
Greg responds:

BIO: Greg Giesking  It was about a girl!

Poetry is like a good woman
i crave to lust-
carelessly loving large.
As a young boy
trying to find a muse
with a deep ambition to change
the world with words.

Words change with age
as i be get'n older-  
imagination leaks.  As i stubble
upon painting with a vengeance.
Within love, support
of family and friends-
that choose to understand
with no regret,  i continue my approach
to find the light in the darkness (love). 
Only than we have nothing to fear.

Cause i will always be a boy
kick'n in the gutter
an empty pop can-
trying to find the, bleached out
pastels of a road home.
Only to kick in a dent.
Not trying to change society
but only to direct  it
towards humanity. 
Love is chaos
love hurts.
Yet love is a constant- 
like breathing.  
It's  everything we need.
So love large and carelessly.
Life is unexplainable, yet we are here. 
As all of us can take a bad turn.

Do a 180-
and realize again-
we be alive.

Piotr Wolodkowicz Curator of Summer Love

Exhibition dates are July 28, 2012 to August 28, 2012 with an opening on 08/10/2012 at International Arts Group Phantom Gallery 4161 N Damen Ave, Chicago Ill 60619.

The International Art Gallery space is a collaboration project between International Arts Group and the Phantom Gallery Chicago Network. This project was created to promote up and coming artists and expose them to curatorial practices in an international gallery setting.

Gallery curators are Piotr Wolodkowicz, Lewis Rice and Alan Emerson Hicks.

For more information please call Piotr Wolodkowicz, at 773- 592- 3442

Phantom Gallery CHI

Sacramento’s Sojourner Truth Museum Fundraiser Honors Black Icons

"Art is Business" REPOSTED: OBSERVER Posted in Arts & Culture  by Williamena Kwapo October 9, 2024 Shonna McDaniels, founder ...