Sunday Salon Series - Artist Talks/Screenings

 "Art is Business" a "Salon" is a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited,
In the Silent House of  Signs, Nods and Whispers, Paperworks, Renee Baker

Join the Phantom Gallery Chicago for our Sunday Salon Series on March 4th,  as we celebrate new works on Paper by Renee Baker. 3pm - 5pm 

 A salon, based on the French word living room, is a conversational gathering of intellectuals, artists, and politicians. The word salon originally meaning "reception room." In the 1800's France, the meaning grew to include a "gathering of elegant people" occurring regularly in such a room.

2017 Resident Artists Exhibition Alpha Bruton, Alan Emerson Hicks, Renee Baker
Another kind of salon is a formal living room — if you invited guests for tea or wine you might sit and sip it in your salon.  

"Salon" is a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited, thus the Phantom Gallery Chicago Loft Gallery, located in the Bronzeville Artist Lofts, 2nd floor, Room 205. 

Phantom Gallery Salon, Cocktail Party for collectors and gallery patrons, 2015
A salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation. These gatherings often consciously followed Horace's definition of the aims of poetry, "either to please or to educate". 

Salon attendees for Artist Talk and Film Screening Renee Baker, IAG Fonder Mariana Buchwald 2016

Artist in Resident Renee Baker 2018 Installation I, Installation II

"Art is Business"

Human Voices: Right Straight Up  

Installation 1 
Human Voices: Right Straight Up  
Paperworks 2018 
Artist: Renee' C. Baker 

Expressing second life breaths, we listen and hear the vast separation between ancestral spirit whispers and our own imminent sounds. Lost bodies, lost ends, ripening skies and our wanting to be needed...there are infinite distances between this world and the next even as we expand with every breath. 

Installation 1 
Human Voices:Right Straight Up  
Artist: Renee' C. Baker 
  Never independent but cossetted in simple vagaries and pleasures of existing...watching..listening..the connection as slim and tender as hairs...all the while anticipating miracles....

In the Silent House of Signs, Nods and Whispers 

Installation January 25th, - April - 27, 2018

Installation 2 
In the Silent House of Signs, Nods and Whispers 
Paperworks 2018 
Artist: Renee' C. Baker
Besieged by reluctance, poorness of spirit, jumbled lifelines, eye to hand glimpses, passionate nervous systems flung to the dirt and forever catching our breath...sometimes without hope...with hope.....then the outermost, full cry of visions, yet to be realized, come forth to take their chances in our sight lines. 

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence” Call for Prospectus"

"Art is Business"

The Action Network called on all artists, creative organizers, concerned citizens, and all community members to join together on April 4th, 2017, to draw inspiration from and breathe new life into the prophetic words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., strengthening our commitment to speak truth to power and sparking creative action in the year ahead.

April 4th the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s historic Riverside Church speech. The speech remains one of the most powerful expressions of Dr. MLK’s political justice analysis and social vision and serves as a powerful rallying call for all of us working creatively to end racism, militarism, and materialism, are incapable of being conquered.

"[W]e as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin the shift from a “thing-oriented” society to a “person-oriented” society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered."
 The Action Network
Action Network is an open platform that empowers individuals and groups to organize for progressive causes. We encourage responsible activism, and do not support using the platform to take unlawful or other improper action. 


Submit prospectus
Artist(s) Bio/Statement (write a statement about your work in general and your process in 250 Max)

Artist(s) Bio/Statement (write a statement about your work in general and your process in 250 Max)

Please provide a detailed description of your proposed use of a Pop-Up exhibit site.

How much space (Wide x’ deep x’ high) does your installation/work require? What are your electrical needs? Do you have any additional needs or requirements?

  • Curriculum Vitae please include your name, address, phone number and email address along with exhibition and educational background.
  • Please include a Web site links to your work along with 5- 10  JPGS.
  • For installations: description to clearly convey your concept
  • For video work: For curatorial previewing, please supply you YouTube Station, Video segment should be no longer than 3 minutes and cued to the appropriate segment for a panel to view. Time-based media, video art or documentation of performance art, should be submitted. Please do not submit videos of documentation of the artistic process.
  • For live art: website links that document previous work; title, and a description of content and concept of proposed work.
  • For artists proposing projects outside of Chicago: Please include a brief statement showing your means to get to Chicago and availability to assist with staffing of the gallery.


"Art is Business"-

December was an interesting month for sure, I was at SCOPE Art Fair,  South Beach Miami, as an associate team member for Gallery Guichard. The BOMBAY SAPPHIRE Artisan Series is a search to discover the next great class of emerging visual artists. Artists will submit their artwork online and exhibit at local art gallery events across North America. A select few will have the opportunity to showcase their work at SCOPE Miami Beach, one of the largest global art fairs in the world. National International Curator- Andre' Guichard.


The Dinner Table


Los Angeles

Charity White, PeoplesChoice Winner, "The Dinner Table"

INTO ACTION! is a groundbreaking social justice festival of art and ideas.

"Art is Business" reposted from TASK FORCE PR

INTO ACTION! is a groundbreaking social justice festival of art and ideas. An expansive week-long pop-up art exhibition, INTO ACTION, features a series of large format creative installations, music performances, panel discussions and activist workshops designed to inspire hope, galvanize the community and ignite creative engagement. We invited over 175 influential visual artists to generate compelling imagery that will unabashedly declare and define our shared values. It will celebrate the diversity that makes our nation strong, stand up against hate and inequality, and demand a government that works for all people living in the United States. With over 25 creative programming elements over 10 days, INTO ACTION! will include large high-profile concerts and continuous music, organizer training, art workshops, paneled conversations with celebrities and influential culture makers, and many other engaging onsite activations to attract the broadest audience. In collaboration with nonprofit partners, INTO ACTION! will focus visitors toward community action and activation.

This January, we illuminate our resilience and we take back our hope.

* This event is free and open to the public. There are no barriers to entry. Because of safety restrictions, we will cap certain events and entry will be on a first come first serve basis.

TaskForce is a Los Angeles based agency that builds capacity and community for the most influential not-for-profits, brands and people who are taking on the most pressing challenges facing our state, our nation, and our world. We work at the intersection of Culture and Social Change. We uniquely understand the role that creative culture plays in shaping public opinion and policy. Our work has resulted in some of the most highly acclaimed and influential public campaigns on behalf of clients that include the United Nations Foundation, the White House, The Nature Conservancy, The MacArthur Foundation, Rock The Vote, Amnesty International and many more. We are a collective of creatives, strategists, organizers, dreamers, and makers working with communities to build momentum towards lasting change.

For questions, comments, or just to connect please email:

Phantom Gallery CHI

Sacramento’s Sojourner Truth Museum Fundraiser Honors Black Icons

"Art is Business" REPOSTED: OBSERVER Posted in Arts & Culture  by Williamena Kwapo October 9, 2024 Shonna McDaniels, founder ...