Phantom Gallery Chicago Opening Space in Ravenswood


Location: 4161 N. Damen, Chicago
Opening: February 10, 2012
Reception: February 25, 2012
 8pm - 11pm

Curators:  Piotr Wolodkowicz, Lewis Rice, Alan Emerson, Kathryn Gauthiers

Friends of the International Art Group

Our new co-op gallery is having our grand opening Saturday the 25th of Feb.,7:00 pm to whenever. Hope you can make it! Bring a friend. I'm anxious to show you my latest stuff! We are located at 4161 N. Damen Av. Chicago, three blocks north of Irving Park Road, on the corner of Damen and Berteau. 
Lewis G. Rice, Artist call for private viewings 847-217-7423

 Piotr Wolodkowicz

Lewis Rice

The Phantom Gallery Chicago Network matches artists, who seek places to exhibit their work, with entities that have empty business storefronts. The goal of the Phantom is to bring art patrons out to visit these Galleries on a regular rotation. Each artist, as a curator, stages an art opening in alternative locations and facilitates art events, open houses, and art tours to various venues. Artists are encouraged to create relationships with business owners that host the Phantom to promote interest in showing art throughout the year.

The International Art Group meets in Rogers Park monthly for a salon series, Please join us at our upcoming Art Salon, Mon, March, 12, 6pm at new Coop Space,  located at 4161 N. Damen, Join us to discuss works in progress, plan next years excursions, exhibits, performances. Looking forward to meeting you then!
Bring a snack and artwork to share,

The Colorboration Project - Loop

Curators Royce Deans and Tali Farchi are opening a gallery space in the  Chicago Loop

For Immediate Release

The Colorboration Project - Loop
208 S. Wabash Avenue

Exhibit: March 17 - April 24
Artist Reception: March 22, 5pm to 10pm

In association with the Pop-Up Loop, an initiative of the Chicago Loop Alliance.
This project is made possible by the generous support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Office of the Dutch Consulate-General in Chicago.

The Colorboration Project is a collaborative art studio and exhibition where the international artistic duo Royce Deans and Tali Farchi will create and display their art which consists of painting live music. The painters have been conducting similar sessions since 2007, where musicians of all sorts join the visual artists in their studio. The music created serves as the subject for what often ends up as expressionistic paintings. What outwardly occurs could most easily be defined as an artistic jam session where the two disciplines come together to surprise and inspire each other. What might otherwise become a private studio session is now open for the public to observe and enjoy?

Wherever Farchi and Deans work together worldwide, they enjoy drawing on the flavors of local musicians, and The Colorboration Project - Loop is no different. In March 2011, the artists completed a successful 11-day residency in Logan Square, where they met and worked with many fine Chicago musicians. Several of those musicians and composers will join them again in the Loop.
March 17, 2012 - 7:30 pm - $8

Scott Richardson, aka miter - guitar
Scott Richardson has been recording and performing improvised guitar-based ambient music as miter for over a decade. He creates aural landscapes often conducive to reading, painting, meditating, and sleeping. He first collaborated with Royce and Tali in 2011 and is honored to work with them again. As the music of miter is improvised and experimental, it is highly location- and situation-dependent. Results may vary.

Rick Neuhaus and near hemisphere - West African influenced percussion ensemble
near hemisphere is a musically shifty collaboration of less than likely suspects, each with a lively story to tell, each falling forward around a common rhythmic impulse to express.  Factors being what they are, talents of mysterious origins tend to rise to the surface.  No time should be wasted with polite apologies; some things just need to be said...some loudly, some softly...some within rhythm, some without, and some over and over again.

March 18, 2012 - 6:30pm
Wet Paint Event - The Art of the Nude
20 artists will draw and paint daily from live models in all different mediums. At 6:30pm, the doors will open for a reception to meet the artists and models and see all the art that was created that day. It will be the wettest and freshest art in the city. All of it will be for sale, so come and get some.

Michael Tischauser - guitar
Solo jazz guitar is a style where the performer plays a whole song by himself on the guitar.  Melodies are done with chords and single notes, while the song's frame is held together with rhythmic figures and walking bass lines.  Jazz music is American-made and relates to the idea that different ethnicities can come together to play a sophisticated style of music.
After graduating from Columbia College Chicago with a degree in Jazz Performance, he has played professionally throughout the Chicagoland area.

March 22, 2012 - 2pm
Eliezer Kaplan - percussion
Eliezer Kaplan has given it all up to be a full-time musician. He has spent the last few years organizing bands that range from his take on growing up Jewish to rock and roll to free jazz percussion.

March 22, 2012 - 5pm
The Colorboration Project - Artist Reception
The Colorboration Project is a constant work in progress with many activities happening, some of them simultaneously. This night will be an opportunity to stop by and meet the artists Royce Deans, a painter from Michigan, and Tali Farchi, a painter from The Netherlands and Israel. The artwork they have completed thus far will be on display.

March 23, 2012 - Noon to Midnight
The Colorboration Folk Fest
A 12-hour mini folk music festival featuring musicians from the Old Town School of Folk Music. This is a free event, and everyone is welcome to come and enjoy it. Visit for details and the lineup.

March 24, 2012 - 9:30 pm - $8
the gHOST project plus
gHOST project is an in-the-moment improvising rock band. you can never tell what's going to happen- it depends on the mood of the space and the evening. A year ago they were more of a 'rock band'- but lately, there has been much more of an 'anything goes' attitude about the project. With the gHOSTie, nobody knows until they show up.

March 25, 2012 - 6:30pm -$8
Mike Felton - His original Chicago Folk
"Mike Felton is the real deal."  -Illinois Entertainer.
Mike has been playing since the 1960s. That's right. A veteran of rock, country, and blues bands. Mike sat in Muddy Waters's bedroom and had Buddy Guy show him around the blues clubs where Willie Dixon, Junior Wells, and Mighty Joe Young, among others, were hanging out. The 1970s found Mike playing folk gigs at places like the Fifth Peg and Orphans in Chicago.

March 26, 2012 - 8pm -$8
Renée Baker Ensemble
Renée Baker has been at the extreme forefront of creative/ avant-garde music while developing this unique ensemble since 1991. Utilizing some of the finest musicians that cross the classical world and jazz greats, she has crafted a group of the best traditionalists and married them to dedicated improvisers. A true genre-bending experience. Her skills as a conductor and musician coordinator have been used by some of the finest musical organizations in Chicago. Ms. Baker is also the Artistic Director of the Chicago Sinfonietta Chamber Ensemble and Mantra Blue Free Orchestra.

March 27, 2012 - 8pm
Ovadya has been around for 10 years. It’s played before diverse audiences, from opening for Eric Burdon & the Animals to Piamenta (The “Chassidische Jimi Hendrix”) & synagogues, to live radio, from festivals to intimate coffee houses. Their music—has been featured on radio nationally. The main writer of Ovadya music has been featured in Guitar World magazine and had label interest (with a current indie label interested in licensing instrumental as of this writing). The Sax player has recorded with major label artists. The drummer and bass player have also been featured in many Chicago area bands.

March 29, 2012 - 8pm - $8
Renée Baker Ensemble
Renée Baker has been at the extreme forefront of creative/ avant-garde music while developing this unique ensemble since 1991. Utilizing some of the finest musicians that cross the classical world and jazz greats, she has crafted a group of the best traditionalists and married them to dedicated improvisers. A true genre-bending experience. Her skills as a conductor and musician coordinator have been used by some of the finest musical organizations in Chicago. Ms. Baker is also the Artistic Director of the Chicago Sinfonietta Chamber Ensemble and Mantra Blue Free Orchestra.

April 3, 2012 - 2:00pm
Mike Felton - His original Chicago Folk
"Mike Felton is the real deal."  -Illinois Entertainer.

April 4, 2012 - 8pm - $8
Michael Miles - banjo
Michael J. Miles is a composer and producer of 'musical documentaries for the stage' with a specialty in clawhammer banjo, fingerstyle guitar, and vocals. He is one of America’s most inventive clawhammer banjo players. The Chicago Tribune’s critic Howard Reich said, "Everything Miles plays is worth savoring.”

April 5, 2012 - 8pm - $8
Marbin first started in 2007 as an improvised music duo consisting of Israeli-American guitarist Dani Rabin and Israeli saxophonist Danny Markovitch. The two musicians met shortly after Markovitch had completed his military service as an infantry sergeant and Rabin had graduated from Berklee College of Music. Since 2008, Marbin has been living in Chicago and performing all over the United States, playing over 250 shows a year with the accompaniment of drummer Justyn Lawrence and bassist Ian Stewart.

April 6, 2012 - 8pm - $8
Rick Neuhaus and near hemisphere - West African influenced percussion ensemble
near hemisphere is a musically shifty collaboration of less than likely suspects, each with a lively story to tell, each falling forward around a common rhythmic impulse to express.  Factors being what they are, talents of mysterious origins tend to rise to the surface.  No time should be wasted with polite apologies. Some things just need to be said...some loudly, some softly...some within rhythm, some without, and some over and over again.

April 9, 2012 - 8pm - $8
Sid Yiddish and His Candystore HenchmenSid Yiddish And His Candy Store Henchmen catatonically captivate audiences with experimental conductible washes of perspiring unconventional atonal resonance harmonic improvisation. Sid Yiddish And His Candy Store Henchmen don't always understand what they are creating; they know you will.

For more information and details, visit

Royce Deans Biography:
Royce Deans paint his way through just about everything that gets in his way. His paintings capture the essence of the moment. They are abstracted sights and sounds portrayed in layers of color and texture and always a celebration of the mark. A graduate of Chicago's American Academy of Art in illustration and design, his work shows up in collections private and corporate, such as McDonald's. Dean was a founder of the record label 54º40' or Fight! and publisher of the now temporarily defunct magazine Copper Press. His current work of music paintings and his surroundings, which are both on display and in progress, is part of a collaborative project with the painter Tali Farchi. Deans currently live in Traverse City, Michigan.

Tali Farchi Biography:
Tali Farchi vd. Wouden, born and raised in Haifa, Israel, attended art school at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. She paints daily and has taken her work and way of working worldwide. Trained as an animator, her talents have been seen on Sesame Street in Israel and on gallery walls of the Amsterdam Jewish History Museum. The co-founder of the multi-media, multi-disciplined performance Mo(ve)ment in Holland, she is fearless in her approach to bending every possible rule of thumb. She is a tireless collaborator and thrives on inspiration from every climb, which has driven The Colorboration Project with the artist Royce Deans to many new places. Art is her passion and her profession. When Farchi is not in the US or back home in Israel, she sleeps, rides her bicycle, and works in Zwolle, The Netherlands.
Media Contact:
Royce Deans
Phone: 231.883.1681

Phantom Gallery CHI

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