"Art is Business" Repost for Renee Baker

  Mischtu Maschtu (dISORderLY mIXTUre)
Dates are DECEMBER 6,7,8 2012
Createfest II will be held at People’s Church
941 West Lawrence Avenue Chicago, IL 60640

Performances will start at 6:10 p.m. until 10:17 p.m.!!
Each night the performances will consist of improv performances done by collaborations of musicians, artists, dancers, etc who have not worked out a performance scenario. All performances will be impromptu and exciting.
Each night the slots will be
6:10 p.m.,7 p.m., 7:55 p.m., 8:45 p.m. with final slot 9:32 p.m...
It may be a duet, trio, quartet or even larger group, but the fun of matching will be Renee Bakers discretion. There will be a leader appointed to each group for organization purposes only and off we go. So, come out and join us for the 2012 CreatefestII.

W.IN.E TV Interview Ms. Alpha Bruton & Ms. Marianna Buchwald

"Art is Business"

W.IN.E™ (Women IN Entertainment) TV Highlights International Artists in its November Webisode
Alpha Bruton and Marianne Buchwald, artists and art administrators in Chicago, advocate, discuss and share their experiences of being females in the art world.
(Chicago, November 1, 2012) --- Chicago is considered one of the top destinations in the world for art, art enthusiasts and artists. Chicago’s passion for art has numerous private and public displays throughout the city. In today’s newly released W.IN.E TV webisode, Alpha Bruton, artist and chief curator of Phantom Gallery Chicago Network, and Marianna Buchwald, CEO of International Art Adventures, expand on their art world backgrounds and experiences from a female prospective. These women discuss their artistic inspirations, while encouraging women, wanting to explore this artistic field, to keep their artistic focus and perseverance. Check out this insightful and informative interview featured on the W.IN.E TV YouTube Channel today.

W.IN.E™ TV executive producer Sheila Henley is so excited to feature these two modern day artists by saying, “This webisode truly exemplifies what W.IN.E TV is all about, as artistic freedom and creativity are the complimentary elements to entertainment.” Ms. Henley continues to say, “My favorite part of this informative interview is when both artists state, don’t let anyone tell you, that you can’t do it. These words should be inspirational to all W.IN.E TV women.”

W.IN.E™ (Women IN Entertainment) TV
Sheila Henley, the creator of W.IN.E™ (Women In Entertainment), conceived W.IN.E™ by asking one simple question, “Where are the women in entertainment, and what do they have to say about the industry?” With that, Ms. Henley started W.IN.Ethe newsletter, which grew to become W.IN.E™ the magazine. Now, there is W.IN.E™ TV.

W.IN.E™ (Women In Entertainment) TV has a commitment to be a platform for women who are “Visionaries and Pioneers in their field of Entertainment,” and to encourage and provide role models for women, as well as men. This platform will allow women to share their successes and failures of making it in this dynamic industry. W.IN.E™ TV will encourage and promote content that will be suitable for all ages. W.IN.E™ has been a voice for women in entertainment for almost 12 years. Tune in to W.IN.E

Contact: Dexter Martin 4D-PR
Follow on Twitter: @4DPR

Phantom Gallery CHI

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